

I've been accused of being too open and honest about things. I'm usually the person who friends and family come to for advice or comfort during times of transition. I enjoy helping others and genuinely care about them. I always try to do the best that I can to support and encourage them in whatever situation they may find themselves. Lately though, the shoe has been on the other foot and I find myself needing support and encouragement.
I know that the people in my life genuinely care about me, but I think that most of them don't really know how to handle me when I need them to be there for me. It's not "normal" for me to ask for help and when I do, I think I catch people off guard...here's why.

I honestly try to do what is right and I truly try to have nothing to hide...and most people don't know how to deal with that. I'm finding myself being told by several people that, because I don't' play the "politics" game at work, I am not going to ever get ahead. Because I try to be completely honest, I am often taken advantage of by others and I don't come across as a strong leader.

I've had to deal with those statements a lot recently...and they don't hurt any less coming from the people you love. So the question becomes...what do I do about it?

I'm going to remember the following...

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
I will love them anyway.

If I do good, people will accuse me of selfish ulterior motives.
I will do good anyway.

If I am successful, I will win false friends and true enemies.
I will succeed anyway.

The good that I do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
I will do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make me vulnerable.
I will be honest and frank anyway.

I know that the biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
I will think big anyway.

I realize that people favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
I will fight for the underdogs anyway.

What I spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
I will build anyway.

I will remember that people really do need help, but may attack me if I do help them.
I will help people anyway.

If I give the world the best I have, I may get kicked in the teeth.
I will give the world my best anyway.

I may not always succeed...but I'm going to keep on trying anyway.