

Unconditional love is a concept that means showing love towards someone regardless of his or her actions or beliefs. In conditional love: love is 'earned' on the basis of conscious or unconscious conditions being met by the lover, whereas in unconditional love, love is 'given freely' to the loved one 'no matter what'.

Unconditional love should not be mistaken with unconditional dedication:
unconditional dedication refers to an act of the will without regard to feelings (for example; a person may consider they have a duty to stay with a person);
unconditional love is an act of the feelings in spite of will.

Unconditional love of self is the concept of loving yourself regardless of external conditions. This includes not denying yourself or your feelings in favor of others. Ultimately, a person will have to move away from others who do not love them without condition. Unconditional love of self is considered the foundation for unconditional love. Once a person is able to love themself without condition then they will be able to love others without condition.

For many People this is not very easy to understand. Probably because people have used the term to demand more love from a person then possible for that person to give. And when the person in demand was unable to fulfill the expectations of the other they were accused of not loving without condition. This is a false definition. It is impossible to define unconditional self love or unconditional love when people put expectations on it that can ultimately end up in disappointment. Here's why:
1. "Loving is sharing and not demanding."
2."When two people argue, That is self love."